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The Scuole in Venice were lay brotherhoods under the patronage of a Saint protector, striving towards penitence and devotion (Battuti Schools) or taking care of the interests of single arts or professions, or they were associations for foreign workers in town who needed assistance and to find a job. In 1400 the Scuole were divided into Scuole Grandi (St. Roch, St. Mary of Charity, St. Mark, St. Theodore, St. John the Evangelist and the Misericordia) and Scuole Minori, totalling about four hundred. Only few of them had a church and a seat of their own. Some Scuole still exist nowadays.
The Archbrotherhood of the Scuola Grande of Saint Roch , recognized by the Council of Ten of the Republic of Venice in 1478 with its seat in St. Giuliano, then incorporated with another similar association near the Church of the Frati Minor (Frari), first moved to St. Silvestro and found its new definitive seat at the beginning of the 16th century.
It is the only brotherhood to have been spared by Napoleonic edicts and has continued its activity without interruptions up till modern times. It now counts about 350 capitular Brothers (women among them) who assemble in a General Council once a year under the guide of a Chancelry including the Guardian Grando, the Vicario, the Guardian da Matin, the Chancellor and eleven members.
The Archbrotherhood`s buildings are the Scuola Grande (visits upon payment), a monumental building dating back to the 16th century, the Church (free entrance) built at the end of the 15th century and reconstructed in the 18th century, and the Scoletta, which was the first seat of the Brotherhood built at the same time as the Church, and now open only on particular occasions.
Saint Roch was born in Montpellier in 1295 of a noble family and after studying medicine for a short period, he left all his riches to depart at the age of twenty as a pilgrim for Italy in order to help the plague-stricken at Acquapendente, Rome, Rimini, Cesena, Forli and in the end at Piacenza, where he fell sick himself; he recovered miraculously with the help of a dog who took bread to him in the forest. He returned to Montpellier but was not recognised by his family and he died in jail in 1327 aged only thirty-two. His deeds and goodness earned him veneration in France immediately and he was called upon as a protector against the pestilence which was raging through Europe. His cult was particulary felt in Venice, where his body was brought in 1485 and laid to rest in the church of the Archbrotherhood in 1520. After the great plague in 1576 he was proclaimed co-patron of the city and his Church become a place of pilgrimage every year for the Doge and the Nobles besides crowds of believers. Even nowadays, the 16th of August festivity is celebrated solemnly and a canopy called "Tendon del Doge" (the Doge`s canopy) is erected in St. Roch`s square between the Church and the Scuola.
The building was started in 1515 by Bartolomeo Bon to whom we the ground floor. His work was continued by Sante Lombardo and after 1527 by Antonio Scarpagnino who finished the upper part and harmonised the facade with double rows of pillars. Following his death in 1549, the finishing details were executed by Giangiacomo dei Grigi.
The interior, two great halls plus a smaller one on the first floor called dell` Albergo, represented the typical structure of a Venetian Scuola, whose spaces were for Brotherhood and religious assemblies. The walls of these halls and the ceilings of those on the upper floor are completely covered by Tintoretto canavases (1518 - 1594). A Brother at the Scuola, he decorated the Albergo Hall from 1564 to 1567, went on with the Upper Hall from 1575 to 1581 and ended up his work with the Lower Hall from 1583 to 1587. All Tintoretto`s paintings are listed at the side here. Some other paintings by Titian, Tiepolo, Giorgione and Tintoretto himself displayed on easels are also noteworthy, besides Giovanni Marchiori`s dossals (1743) and the wooden sculptures by Francesco Pianta (17th century). On the great staircase, there are canvases by Pietro Negri (1673) and Antonio Zanchi (1666).
- The Annunciation
- The Adoration of the three Magi
- The Flight into Egypt
- The Slaughter of the Innocents
- St. Mary Magdalen
- St. Mary of Egypt
- The Presentation in the Temple
- The Assumption
The Annunciation (1583 - 1587) |
The Adoration of the three Magi (1582) |
The Flight into Egypt (1582 - 1587) |
The Slaughter of the Innocents (1582 - 1587) |
St. Mary Magdalen (1582 - 1587) |
St. Mary of Egypt (1582 - 1587) |
The Presentation in the Temple (ca 1587) |
The Assumption (1582 - 1597) |
- St. Sebastian
- St. Roch
- Adam and Eve
- Moses saved from the waters
- The three children in the furnace
- Adoration of the shepherds
- Christ tempted by Satan
- Moses strikes water from the rocks
- The pillar of fire
- God appears to Moses
- The baptism
- Christ heals the paralytic
- Jonah emerges from the whale
- Sampson brings out water from the jawbone of an ass
- Samuel and Saul
- The miracle of the bronze serpent
- Jacob`s ladder
- The vision of the Prophet Ezekiel
- The resurrection
- The ascension
- The sacrifice of Isaac
- The fall of manna in the desert
- Elijah on the chariot of fire
- The vision of Jeremiah
- Elijah is fed by the angels
- Elisha distributes bread
- Agony in the garden
- The resurrection of Lazarus
- The Passover
- Daniel saved by angels
- Abraham and Melchizedeck
- The last supper
- Multiplication of bread and fishes
- The vision of St. Roch
A) Bellini (?), Christ in devotion, B) Tiziano, The Annunciation C) Tintoretto, Visitation
D) Giorgione, Christ carrying the cross E) Tiziano, God and angels F) Domenico Tintoretto, Christ between St. Roch and St. Pantalon G) Tintoretto, Portrait of a man H) Tiepolo, Hagar and Ishmael
I) Tiepolo, Abraham visited by the angels
St. Sebastian |
St. Roch |
Adam and Eve |
Moses saved from the waters |
The three children in the furnace |
Adoration of the shepherds |
Christ tempted by Satan |
Moses strikes water from the rocks |
The pillar of fire |
God appears to Moses |
The baptism |
Christ heals the paralytic |
Jonah emerges from the whale |
Sampson brings out water from the jawbone of an ass | |
Samuel and Saul |
The miracle of the bronze serpent |
Jacob`s ladder |
The vision of the Prophet Ezekiel |
The resurrection |
The ascension |
The sacrifice of Isaac |
The fall of manna in the desert |
Elijah on the chariot of fire |
The vision of Jeremiah |
Elijah is fed by the angels |
Elisha distributes bread |
Agony in the garden |
The resurrection of Lazarus |
The Passover |
Daniel saved by angels |
Abraham and Melchizedeck |
The last supper |
Multiplication of bread and fishes |
The vision of St. Roch |
A - Bellini (?), Christ in devotion |
F - Domenico Tintoretto, Christ between St. Roch and St. Pantalon |
I - Tiepolo, Abraham visited by the angels |
The albergo hall |
St. Roch in glory
Feminine figure
Feminine figure
Allegory of the Charity Guild
Allegory of St. Mark`s Guild
Allegory of the Misericordia (Mercy) Guild
Allegory of St. John`s Guild
Allegory of St. Theodore`s Guild
Ascent to Calvary
"Ecce Homo" (The Crowning with thorns)
Christ before Pilate
A prophet
The Crucifixion (monumental)
A prophet
St. Roch in glory |
Autumn |
Feminine figure |
Felicity |
Feminine figure |
Winter |
Liberality |
Allegory of the Charity Guild |
Hope |
Spring |
Allegory of St. Mark`s Guild |
Allegory of the Misericordia (Mercy) Guild |
Allegory of St. John`s Guild |
Summer |
Faith |
Allegory of St. Theodore`s Guild |
Kindness |
Ascent to Calvary |
"Ecce Homo" (The Crowning with thorns) |
Christ before Pilate |
A prophet |
The Crucifixion (monumental) |
A prophet |
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